Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chapter 9: Cinema Review


Chapter 9: Review

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"To be an artist means to never avert one's eyes."- Akira Kurosawa

    Within film are standards that the audience can expect when watching the said movie. These conventions are are sound, the camera , color, and time. Some of these conventions in movies are someimes challenged or mixed up . An example of these challenged conventions is with the uproar and advancement of technology in films that allows for realistic 3d animation like in Avatar (2009). The quote above refers to this reimagination of film conventions by saying that an artists vision should never be overlooked and should be pursued.
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Disney Parks-

"Animation technology has become so sophisticated that the simplicity of Snow White makes it appear dated"-  ( Janero & Altshuler , The Art of Being Human: The Humanities as a technique for living, 2011, p.284)

   With the coming of any art , there are genres. Within film there are major film genres that have been around for years and have evolved over time.From old time slapstic to modern romantic comedy, the world of film can explore a millennial of genres. One of these genres that I personally feel has made a major impact on me is animation. Animation has had a long running in our society and notably pioneered by big names like Disney and Pixar. Animation, socially, has this stigma that it can only be for children but time and time again animated films like UP and Ratatouille have proved it can appeal to anyone of age demographic . According to the quote above, animation has been around for so long that movies like Snow White looks dated which I think is a good thing because it shows our advanced progression in animation over time.
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Theme illustration -

" The best films , like the best novels and plays, reward close attention of viewers willing to listen carefully and concentrate"- ( Janero & Altshuler , The Art of Being Human: The Humanities as a technique for living, 2011, p.307)

   In film, the filmakers decision  in theme and style is very integral to what makes the film what it is. Producing themes and style is something that can be pushed through things like dialogue, imagery,character development, etc. These themes and styles do not have to have limits on how extreme they can be and can be on a variety of topics. This expression through theme and style can be connected with the quote above that states that viewers would be rewarded for paying attention to details. Only critical thinking viewers would be able to truly understand complex themes in certain movies compared to other films.


      In conclusion, cinema is a humanities with both variety and history. Cinema is capable of producing engaging stories with heavy themes and articulate styles while also showing of a filmakers artistic talents and advancement in cinema technology.

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